Guest Post courtesy of MSgt Joel Weber
MSgt/USMC, Camp Leatherneck, Afghanistan
Ramblings of a Deployed Mind (Week 8)
It’s the beginning of Week 8 here in sunny (dusty), beautiful (dirty), and warm (102 degrees right now) Camp Leatherneck, Afghanistan. Let me start off by saying HAPPY EASTER and blessed be the one who has risen. We started our day off with a gorgeous 0530 sunrise service. Watching the sun come up over military vehicles and construction is kind of surreal. Knowing what the day stands for and knowing our mission here…awesome! I hope the Easter Bunny stopped by the homes of the good little boys and girls! I received a few Easter Baskets this week and I THANK YOU ALL!
MSgt Joel Weber |
Anyway, what a week it was! I’m not sure what happened because it went by so fast, but isn’t that what I wanted?!?! The days were starting off at 0730 and roughly ending around midnight or 0100. There is always something to do in here or always someone to support…but hey, that’s why we’re here! Around 2300 is kinda when we throw a movie on for background noise (we actually get to watch sometimes) as we finish up our work for the day. We got a little more training with our NATO counterparts and let me say, I love how the Brits talk! Even when they are pissed or upset, they talk and look very happy (cheeky). It’s awesome. We used the BFPO (British Forces Post Office) the first time this week as well. We had to send some stuff back to the United Kingdom and our post office doesn’t support it…odd right?!? Speaking of me British Mates, I received my first EBluey this week. It’s basically the British version of our MotoMail. I’m making international pen pal friends!
On the US side of the house, I’ve been introduced to a new website for men: which does nothing but make me laugh…awesome! I’ve also earned a nickname this week…(my brother Chris will enjoy this)…Eeyore! Really???? This guy??? And it’s NOT because of my ears people!! Apparently I was all lackadaisical in a meeting (I brief the same things everyday) and caught it…is much energy as I have and as much as I run my mouth…but, I got it, Eeyore! BTW, I love meetings! Seriously!
My daughters were on vacation this week in Virginia with Ryan’s family again, but I did get to talk to them last night (my time). They are both in great spirits and doing very well; they are enjoying their Easter vacations from what they told me. The Easter Bunny forgot they were away on vacation and accidentally delivered 5 baskets to their home in North Carolina. Sometimes the Easter Bunny gets so prepared, he over prepared, forgot and delivered more….oh well, it happens. You can never have too many baskets with candy as a kid (unless you’re the parent that has to deal with them, LOL). If you haven’t heard, Kirstin’s “Kure for Kirstin” 2011 Take Steps for Crohn’s & Colitis Walk has almost hit her goal. If you haven’t heard or read about it, I recommend you at least read the page: I applaud my daughters positive-ness about the whole thing…she motivates the s**t out of me!
I have continued to log running miles towards my goal of 600 this year. There’s a pretty good chance that goal is going to be crushed, as I sit at 240 for the year already. We’ve had to change our run schedules up due to the heat, so no more running before dinner…its early morning runs till fall at this point. No crazy half marathon runs this week, just a few 5-6 miles and my dumb a** twisting my ankle (I’m always looking to take a few days off)! I know what you’re thinking…”you’re getting old”…and that may be so. But hopefully when I turn 35 next month, maybe I’ll look 34…I doubt it…but “the stach” is coming along nicely! We have been told that we are moving rooms again, because it wouldn’t be the Corps if you didn’t move 12 times once you got comfortable. But hey, I guess getting my own space ain’t such a bad deal. It really doesn’t matter, cause you don’t spend much time in their anyway. As some of you’ve noticed, I’ve been on Facebook and Twitter a little this week…I’m trying. We don’t have direct access to it, it’s in another building, but we’re being told we should have WiFi next month in our living areas…
Anyway, I’m going to get out of here and let all of you enjoy your Easter Sundays. I’ll be coming at your next Sunday with a mundane letter and Week 9 of Ramblings of a Deployed Mind. I love you all and thank you again for all your love and support! There is no better feeling than to receive mail from a friend or loved one from back home!
Semper Fi,
Joel “Eeyore” Weber
MSgt/USMC, Camp Leatherneck, Afghanistan
Twitter: @Marines1994