30OCT2011: MSgt Joel Weber

Ramblings of a Deployed Mind
From the confines of Camp Leatherneck


GOOD AFTERNOON FROM CAMP LEATHERNECK, AFGHANISTAN! It’s been quite a morning so far. Today, thousands are running the 36th Marine Corps Marathon in Washington, DC and 380 of us ran our 26.2 miles as part of the Marine Corps Marathon Forward here in the A-Stan.

It was chilly at the start but warmed up very quickly. Since we don’t have 26 miles to run here, we had to do laps of 5 miles around parts of Leatherneck. It was quit a day and I’m glad it’s over, BUT, Brian and I decided to run the 26.2 miles and then proceed to make it a full 30 miles!! Yes, Brian and I ran 30 miles…basically because we’ve both run marathons before and we wanted to go farther. The finishers collected the very same medal that will be given away in DC this morning to the finishers there. I HAD A GREAT TIME and I feel fortunate to have been able to run this Marathon here in Afghanistan!! I’m going to go ahead and rest my feet for a few minutes (hours) and then proceed to head to work. The pain isn’t really there right now, but it will be tomorrow, guaranteed! I ran marathon personal best of 3 hours, 56 minutes. It took another 50 minutes to complete the 30 miles…something I will never do again!

Now, on to work. I hate it…I’m just being real. I believe that my Team and I have been able to do more for the our community than some people will have accomplished in their careers. We have take our jobs to a whole new level, thus making our predecessors job easier as they filter in here. I know that the “pats on the back” will never come, as this is a thankless job in it’s self, but I know we kicked ass! Either way, I’m going to leave this slum in way better shape then when I arrived, just like good Marines should. As for the Marine Corps, someone decided to give us our 100% Tuition Assistance back. I don’t know why the 180 degree decision, but it’s the right one. Too bad we still won’t be able to roll our sleeves; I’d take sleeves over Tuition Assistance.

Kara and Kirstin seem to be doing pretty amazing as well this week. Both are excelling in school and in their respective sports and music classes. Kirstin turns 9 on the 7th, I can’t believe it. It is so crazy how much my little baby has grown up in the last year. I love them both to death!

So, one of the most exciting things we discussed this week was……REDEPLOYMENT. We are almost at the 8 month mark, leaving 4 months to go. We’re discussing when our replacements will be here and when we tentatively plan on leaving this crap hole…all dates will be kept until the end, so no one starts making plans like idiots.

On a bad note, my cousin Kevin is battling cancer and not doing so well. I ask that everyone pray for him and his family. Thank you all!

UNIT 73920
FPO AE 09510-3920

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Author: Cpl. Wally Beddoe
Cpl, USMC 1981-1985 @thesucklife
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