What Makes The Grass Grow?

As Marines, the phrase “What makes the grass grow?” sparks an instinctive response: “Blood, blood, blood!” It’s a call and answer rooted deep in our warrior ethos, a stark reminder of the sacrifices we make and the mindset required to win battles. But if we dig deeper into this iconic saying, there’s more to it than just tradition or bravado. It’s a lesson in what drives us as Marines and as leaders.

Discipline and Hard Work Make the Grass Grow

The phrase represents grit, discipline, and the sheer force of will we bring to every mission. The grass grows because Marines sweat, bleed, and grind to make it happen. Whether we’re in the field, on deployment, or tackling challenges in garrison, it’s our tireless effort that makes the mission succeed. You can’t fake hard work; it shows in every action, every rep, and every decision.

Sacrifice Makes the Grass Grow

Marines know sacrifice all too well. That sacrifice is not just measured in blood shed on the battlefield but also in the time we spend away from family, the grueling training we endure, and the relentless pursuit of perfection. The grass grows because Marines are willing to give more than what’s comfortable, more than what’s easy, and sometimes, more than what’s fair.

Leadership and Brotherhood Make the Grass Grow

The grass doesn’t grow alone, and neither do we. Marines thrive in the brotherhood of the Corps, where every action we take is tied to the success of the team. We grow by holding each other accountable, pushing through limits together, and leading from the front. Leaders inspire others to push harder and dig deeper, while the bond between Marines fuels our drive to give our all—for the team, the mission, and the Corps.

Adaptability and Resilience Make the Grass Grow

What sets Marines apart is our ability to thrive in chaos and adapt to any situation. The grass grows in the toughest conditions because we find a way to overcome every obstacle, whether it’s an ambush in a foreign desert or the grind of daily life. Resilience is our fertilizer; it keeps us strong when the fight gets hard.

Legacy Makes the Grass Grow

When you yell out “What makes the grass grow?” and hear that thunderous reply, you’re connecting to generations of Marines who’ve shouted the same words, from Iwo Jima to Fallujah. It’s a reminder of the blood spilled by those who came before us and the legacy we uphold. The grass grows because we honor their sacrifices by giving everything we’ve got to carry the mission forward.

So next time you hear that call and respond, take a moment to think about what it really means. Yes, it’s a battle cry, but it’s also a lesson in what it takes to succeed as a Marine—discipline, sacrifice, teamwork, adaptability, and respect for the legacy of those who paved the way. These are the things that truly make the grass grow.

Semper Fidelis.

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Author: Cpl. Wally Beddoe
Cpl, USMC 1981-1985 @thesucklife
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