5 Things Veterans Think About on Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is a time for reflection, and for veterans, it carries a deeper meaning. Here’s what many veterans think about as they sit down to give thanks:

Remembering Fallen Friends
For veterans, Thanksgiving is a time to remember the comrades we lost during service. The empty seat at the table is a reminder that freedom has a price, and we honor them by carrying forward their legacy.

The Sacrifices of Service
Veterans think about the sacrifices made during their time in uniform, the missed holidays, birthdays, and family milestones. Thanksgiving serves as a reminder of those sacrifices, and the strength of military service that continues even after the uniform comes off.

The Importance of Camaraderie
The bonds formed in service are unlike any other. Thanksgiving often makes veterans think of the men and women they served with, the shared experiences, and the unspoken understanding that transcends distance and time.

Those Still Serving
We also think of those still in harm’s way. Veterans are keenly aware that not everyone is home for the holidays, and many are still far from their families. It’s a reminder of the dedication and duty that never ends.

Gratitude for the Freedom We Have
Thanksgiving is about gratitude, and for veterans, it’s a day to reflect on the freedoms we fought for. We hope others will take a moment to recognize and appreciate the opportunities and the sacrifices that have made this country what it is.

As veterans, we see Thanksgiving through a unique lens shaped by our experiences. For us, it’s more than just a holiday for food and football, it’s a day of reflection on sacrifice, service, and gratitude. We think about the friends we’ve lost, the camaraderie we’ve shared, and the values we’ve carried throughout our lives. We also wish for the kind of gratitude that might bring everyone together to recognize the freedom and opportunities we sometimes take for granted. It’s a day to think about those who continue to serve, the ones far from home, and those who gave everything.

For those who didn’t serve, remember that the freedoms we enjoy are due in large part to the sacrifices of those who wore the uniform. Take a moment to appreciate not just the day, but the reason we can enjoy it in the first place. And as you sit down with loved ones, think about the veterans who made it all possible, and remember their contribution to the peace we often overlook.

Thanksgiving is about more than the food, it’s a chance to pause and reflect on what we have and how we got here. As veterans, we are thankful for those who still stand guard, and for the families who stand by them.

Semper Fi!

Semper Share:
Author: Cpl. Wally Beddoe
Cpl, USMC 1981-1985 @thesucklife
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