One Ride With YP-13

As the webmaster for the USMC/Combat Helicopter Association (POPASMOKE), I have the privilege of meeting some incredible Marines and Corpsmen.

In the summer of 2000, during one of the reunions in San Diego, I had the honor of meeting Jim Farley. Jim was a Marine UH-34D crew chief in HMM-163. In 1965, famed photographer Larry Burrows accompanied Jim and his crew on a mission in Vietnam. The photos taken by Larry appeared in LIFE Magazine on April 16, 1965.

During the incident on March 31, 1965, which was featured in the LIFE story, two Marine pilots from HMM-163 were killed in action.

The Marines of POPASMOKE were prominently featured in the documentary “Vietnam’s Helicopter Heroes,” which has aired multiple times on the Discovery Channel. This compelling video, produced by Debbie LaPensee, was created during our 1998 Reunion and offers a profound glimpse into the experiences of our members. It includes numerous interviews with POPASMOKE members and authentic in-country footage captured by them.

I keep in touch with Jim, a POPASMOKE Life Member, who is one of the nicest guys you will ever meet. He is truly one of my heroes!

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Author: Cpl. Wally Beddoe
Cpl, USMC 1981-1985 @thesucklife
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oramel hall
oramel hall
2020-11-28 16:11

Debbie LaPensee , this is Oramel Hall, from Hmm 362 I provided some film for the documentry that you made, it was well recieved by those that watched it.,
thank you , from Oramel & Sharon Hall

2009-02-23 10:31

>u remind me of my late dad…he used to be a marine.