20JUL2011 MSgt Joel Weber

Ramblings of a Deployed Mind
From the confines of Camp Leatherneck


As Slim Shady said, “Guess who’s back, back again!”  That’s two thumbs pointing to this guy!  After a brief, overwhelming, and abrupt stop to my “Ramblings”, I’m back kicking it JVille (deployed) style.  Things in Lejeune FWD (FOB Leatherneck) are going swimmingly.  We are staying busy with no end in sight, but we are at a point where things are becoming a bit more routine.  This is the point of the deployment that is commonly referred to as TOA Hangover.  Things start to drag on…but, there are always new things coming our way here in Afghanistan.  This is the point where you start crossing T’s and dotting I’s.  After my R&R (in just a few weeks) will be the point where you try and make things easier for your replacements.  It’s exciting to me!  How can I make what we do easier and better for the guy coming in to best support the Warfighter?!?!?!  I love this part.

On a sidetrack note, my boys working in the vault got BIG PROPS from the highest of HQ in the Navy world of COMSEC….it’s nice to know someone is paying attention to how hard my boys have been working.  Our job is very technical and to see someone notice and to pat us on the back is a big deal…IT NEVER HAPPENS.  Peoples view on what I and my boys do it this, “you guys sit in a vault and watch movies and sleep all day”….really?  It’s true though, people really think that.  What we do is so behind the scenes it’s crazy…but I tell you what…no one would be doing there jobs safely without us!  Just sayin’….

My little girls seem to be doing well.  Kara has not written in more than two months and barely has anything to say to me on the phone…again, I told her to stop growing up and she has not listened!  Kirstin is going better.  They’ve increased some of her meds and she seems to be doing okay for now…but you could never tell.  Every time I talk to that child, she makes it seem like the world is full of butterflies and candy and that nothing is or ever has been wrong.  She writes me every week or so too…all by herself.  Not to long, I’m going to be spoiling those two little angels of mine!!!! OMG, I CAN’T WAIT!

As we all know, Gen Allen took over all NATO and US Forces in Afghanistan.  That now makes 2 Marines in charge.  Gen Mattis for CENTCOM and Gen Allen for NATO/USFOR-A….watch out Taliban….just saying.

Anyway, I know that this is a mid week email, but they will start coming out on Sundays again.  I missed venting to my friends and family 🙂  Anyway, I love you all.

FOB Leatherneck, AFG

PS >>>My plug for the week…if you have time/money…I would like to you check out this page.  THEY HAVE BEEN NOTHING SHORT OF AMAZING TO ME!!!  SOLDIERS ANGELS  www.soldiersangels.org

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Author: Cpl. Wally Beddoe
Cpl, USMC 1981-1985 @thesucklife
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