Tag: helicopter


Laying Down Some Lead

A demonstration of firepower from Dillon Aero… Laying down some lead


Recon Team Lunchbox

by Rod Carlson It was nearly noon and I was sitting in the cockpit looking up at rotor blades turn slower and slower and finally…


The Man in the Doorway

Written by Marine Michael Ryerson They came in low and hot, close to the trees and dropped their tail in a flare, rocked forward and…


Cpl. Kent Cagle, USMC

Today America lost a warrior, the Marine Corps lost a Brother, a family lost a loved one, and I lost one of my best friends….


Masters of the Art

On Memorial Day Monday, I was flying back to JFK from a West Coast trip and was looking forward to finishing up a book I’d…


Cleared Hot! – Book Review

Having served as the webmaster for the USMC Combat Helicopter Association since 1997, I’ve had the privilege of familiarizing myself with countless members, squadrons, aircraft,…


Purple Foxes – February 7, 1969 and 2007

On February 7, 1969, a Marine helicopter crashed in Vietnam, killing six of the seven on board. On February 7, 2007, a Marine helicopter was…



The best book I’ve ever read! I highly recommend reading the book “Bonnie-Sue” by my good friend Marion Sturkey. When I started it, I could…


Raymond “Mike” Clausen Jr.

Mike Clausen was one helluva Marine! He earned the Medal of Honor for bravery in Vietnam (more below). I first met Mike in Pensacola, Florida…