Great job! However, just like in Vietnam, we have to have permission to fire at obvious enemies. No wonder these wars linger so long. Just do the job and get out. Party over.
[…] Click here for the video of the U.S. Apache Helicopter. […]
Greg Sims
2012-02-05 12:50
Asa VietNam vet,I am all for FREE FIRE ZONES. The ROE are too restrictive, which is one important reason, why we can not win this war. If we were this concerned over civiians, during WW2, we would not have won nor ended the war as quickly as we did.
2012-01-17 18:26
Politicians sitting at comfy desks should not be directing battles at the front. To inspire your men you must lead from the front. Get the yellow bellies off their asses and into the shit!!!!!!!!!!!
Rock Hilton
US Army, Vietnam era veteran
2011-12-14 22:57
Hooah! Nicely done!
2010-09-07 14:22
>Nothing seems to change when civilians & politicians run a war. During Vietnam all commanders had to read a mandatory order from Westmoreland to 100% of troops-You will not return fire without permission of USARV Hq. After reading the order I gave my order-If fired upon kill the SOB! Vietnam's value was less than one American life. Same goes for Iraq, Iran,Afganistan. We need to get back to "kick ass,take name, and come home! Company commander 1967-68 retired 1988.
Dennis Twohy 8yrs. USAF
2010-09-04 01:21
>I knew that this was happening. It reminds me of Vietnam days. Geese nothing has changed. You would have thought our government would have learned. Why not give the enemy a national Muslm 30 day time out so they can regroupe,rearm and get better weapons just like we did in Vietnam. Oh yes I remember the Red River Valley. The enemy kills so much better when regrouped,rested and modernized.D. Twohy USAF
2010-08-28 00:15
>Thank You American Military – the most professional and noble organization in the world !!
Couple notes though – it sounds like they had to get approval to engage on every burst of fire. That would give the enemy more time to counter or to flee. The publicizing of this tactic (to reduce civilian causalities) will allow the enemy to quickly change tactics and use the protection of civilians so they can more easily move around. Why should we tell them how we fight our battles?
Brian, USAF 1977-2000
2010-08-27 00:35
>Nice… only one problem that I have… the bullshit 10min wait to engage.. by that time they could have made it to a house then what… oh we cant shoot now…. ROE has to change…
2010-08-20 15:10
>I thought they would walk to freedom before we engaged them. This is a war why do we wait so looooong to kill them????
2010-08-20 14:31
>if they are a raghead pop their ass. if you pop enough there will a thinning of the herd and dont worry with the little stuff
Ken J
2010-08-19 18:01
>Another Great Job by our Troops. If you don't support them, feel free to stand in front of them. Semper Fi Ken J
2010-08-17 21:40
>Nothing better than watching Uncle Sam open a can of whoop a$$!! Way to go boys….
2010-08-16 12:34
>Great job guys! Thank you for keeping our country and families safe! God Bless America!!
2010-08-15 02:40
>10 minutes delay … what did they have to do call Pelosi or Biden or maybe the Commander in Chief for his personal approval..10 minutes is horendous in situations like this and can get OUR GUYS killed… Washington needs to stay the heck out and let the men do the work …and by the way whay doesn't someone have the XXXXs to stop forcing the troops to wear the approved body armor and allow them to wear what works in the field..
orville clift
2010-08-13 03:00
>Good job. If we don't fight 'em over there, we'll have to fight 'em over here. Good huntin', stay safe and come home.
2010-08-13 02:12
>Good job boys god bless America
2010-08-12 21:34
>Well done, and thank you –
2010-08-11 20:26
>Get the "f'n" outa town. That's how you do it brother….
Now they can go meet their 72 Virginians in the after life… like George Washington, Patrick Henry, James Madison, John Randolph, James Monroe, Thomas Jefferson and 66 other people who have the same love for liberty and America and who are waiting to kick their A$$ all over again.
2010-08-10 04:42
>This P C war is absolutely insane. Simper fi to our marines, army, navy, air force, national guard, coast guard who put their lives at risk for our country. We don't deserve such heroism, such self sacrifice. You are all MOST HONORABLE. You will always be our heroes. God keep our nation safe from these idiots in Washington DC.
2010-08-09 21:53
>I can tell that my son has been to Aphghanistan x 2 now and he says the rules of engagement are a bunch of horse shit, (thats as nice as I can put it). And by the way, as a supporter of the troops and the military in general , I now say, we need to get out NOW. This is going no where. And we are staying now for the politicians to recoup any personal ill gotten gain, and for purposes of reelecting themselves. Thats how I see it. So lets GET THE HELL OUT.
2010-08-09 13:22
>GOOD JOB!! Just a shame they had to wait that long.
2010-08-07 10:36
>Darin Lewis McChesney said…. The job you young men and women are involved in, is one that will structure you as human beings in the future ,not mentioning your keeping of us safe from an enemy,that has 0 regard for life,and is not educated with any beliefs as us,however understands how to be hateful.Use this to your advantage, in a situation like this,do not let them think we are weak with democracey,but after you head but them with your rifle,ask them if if it hurts.
Reddi K.W
2010-08-06 21:10
>Good job, "jar heads". My thought is those "towel heads" have been fighting each other for hundreds of years. BRING OUR TROOPS HOME AND LET THEM FIGHT EACH OTHER. Not 100000 of them is worth one Marine, and they are killing 100 + a week. Let's get out of there.
2010-08-05 20:38
>Just wondering how long does the Taliban fighters have to wait before firing?
2010-08-05 18:15
>It is not the troops in battle that need permission to do that for which they have been trained and are the best in the world, but it is the idiots and A-hoes in washington that need to get our permission to do that which they have wrongly done without our consent for the last two years.
2010-08-04 19:43
>AMEN, Edward, you said it for me. May God bless you and all the troops putting their lives on the line to keep America safe.
From Comfort, Texas, USA
Edward J. Palumbo
2010-08-04 15:58
>A new generation of troops is doing an extraordinary job under the most difficult of circumstances. I follow their progress with admiration and an abiding pride in the Corps. Edward J. Palumbo 1st MarDiv – RVN
2010-08-04 00:41
>God bless your troops. Shoot every Taliban and muslim you can put your sights on! Scum buckets of the earth.
2010-07-28 21:49
2010-07-27 20:29
>There may be some lessons we can learn from the Isreali's. I feel that while civilian casualties should be avoided if possible, we can go to war and try to kill people NICELY!!
It's War! Them or US! Ultimately FEAR is the equalizier or qualifier for wins and losses. If I now afraid of you enough to stop the nonsense that I am doing, then You Win!
2010-07-26 01:26
2010-07-22 23:14
>The U.S. needs to turn our troops loose and let them do the job that they were sent there to do. If we had a President with balls, he would do so. But, unfortunateley all we have is an acting President who would not give a rats behing for our troops. This so called President is actually an acting President. He has not proven to be an American citizen. We need a Senator with the necessary balls to call for a Congressional Investigation on this Muslim's birth status while there is still time.
2010-07-22 04:19
>Call sign: Ricepaddy USAF 68-81, Jungle country 69-70,73-74. Shoot them all and let God Sort them Out.. Just like my war, they're Afgan's be day, and Taliban by night, and they will use anything and everyone as part of their weapons.
2010-07-22 02:21
>Our troops should only be put in harms way when absolutely necessary and only after executing a scorched earth policy, where we carpet bomb our enemy back to the stone age. Then if some piece of sh** managed to survive and crawl out from some hole to throw so much as a stone at our troops….we hit them again and again. This enemy only understands two things, strength and weakness. They despise and exploit our weakness but they respect and fear our strength. God Bless our troops.
2010-07-21 21:30
>Great job guys! Semper Fi!! That said, it's absolutely ridiculous that it took so long & you had to ask for permission. What an absurd idea!! It's the kind of idiocy that has gotten so many fighting men killed in Nam and since. We spend countless 100's of thousands of dollars teaching, training over and over again every pilot, gunner, & officer in the field. And when the time comes for him to use his knowledge and skill he has to get permission from someone who isn't there. How stupid to treat well trained fighters like idiots. Let the men you've trained do what you trained them to do. If they screw up take care of them. Officers and senior enlisted personnel in charge of troops should be allowed to make decisions immediately that are in line with established "Rules of Engagement" and not have to depend on some pinhead hundreds of miles away (or even in Florida looking at a satellite feed)! It's why I favor and have more respect for the "good ole' days"! Keep taking it to 'em! Hooooraahh!!
D. Cunningham
2010-07-21 17:56
>It sounds so much like the political crap we had to put with Vietnam, which probably got more good Marines killed than the VC ever could have. Protect yourself Marines, keep your eyes open and your rifles ready.
Semper Fi
2010-07-21 16:07
>Hoorah…kicking ass and not taken names. God Bless you boys!!!
2010-07-19 18:58
>Good Job Mr. Wally Beddoe, CPL USMC 81-85!!! Thank you and yours for your service!!!!!!! WE ALL APPRECIATE IT AND PRAY FOR YOU DAILY!!! Chuck Walker San Jose, CA
2010-07-14 23:34
>I am very proud of each one of you. This a war and not a movie. Our men are sincere in what they do and they know what the cost of freedom is. WE need to use the same courage and fight those in Washington who are trying to take away the freedom by using false words of how the government will take care of us. We Americans have been taking care of ourselves for years. Thanks guys and gals and God Bless.
2010-07-14 01:52
>Thanks for all you are giving up to keep use safe at home.Keep up the good work!! God Bless.
2010-07-13 02:34
>Finally, someone read all your comments as being written by people watching an "arcade game". Those were not metal ducks being pulled across their gun sights; they were a bunch of confused and frightened human beings, who just happened to be born in the wrong place at the wrong time (we all hope and pray). Yes, we are at war and here are a band of "brothers" pushed out into the night with bad intentions and killing weapons but also as sitting ducks. It is one thing to be there and be pulling the trigger and quite another to be viewing this incredible footage. The proper reaction is silence or maybe God help us find another way to communicate with these people. Oh, BTW, we are not at war with the Afghanistan or even the Taliban but with groups who act like and say they are terrorists and who are affiliated with Al-Qaeda and Osama Bin Ladin. The Taliban are a religious sect and it is important to the future of America and the world that this not be forever labeled as a war of Christianity against Muslims (any Sect). Also, with respect to the 10-minute wait, it only magnifies the awesome power we have even when we have to wait to reduce the risk of civilian casualties. May your God forgive us for these deaths and continue to guide whomever possesses this awesome power in the future.
2010-07-12 08:48
>I despair when I see some of the comments here. What is the problem you have with checking that you are not firing on innocent civilians – or worse – blue on blue. You act as though this conflict is just an arcade game. With all your might, your organisation doesn't have a system in place to get authorisation in a shorter time? Remember, the need for authorisation came about because of so many US past cock-ups. Come on, learn from history, it is not as though you have much of it to study!
2010-07-11 16:56
>I was an Army gunship pilot in Vietnam that experienced the same "wait for permission / approval to return fire" crap. We learned to make up approval initials when our guys on the ground were in trouble. Screw the bureaucrats in their comfortable houses back home! And no one ever said shit about it.
2010-07-11 04:17
>Thank You Men and Women for my Freedom!!!!!!!! I hope my Kids get to enjoy it too!!!!!! C.Brown from south Texas
2010-07-09 23:21
>Civilians have been killed in every war that was ever fought, and they'll be killed in every war from now on. Collateral damage. And if they let the cowards of the Taliban or Al Qaeda hide amongst them and use them as shields, so be it. No sleep should be lost over it and no assholes in Washington, D.C. (District Of Criminals) should be calling any shots for the troops in the field in harm's way. They haven't the experience and they sure as hell haven't earned that right !! If the ROE were to kill the enemy by any and all means available, the troops would have been home years ago.
Viet Nam veteran- 1962-'63.
2010-07-09 23:16
>My only fear here is that showing these tactics videos will show the enemy how to pose as dead and not be shot. If they all fell to the ground after the first volley, they would have looked dead and the choppers might have moved on. I just hope these guys don't get training from someone with internet access who can study these videos and learn how to better hide from our forces
2010-07-09 06:22
>I am glad they are concerned about collateral damage and all but, 10 minutes!!! You're breakin my balls man.
2010-07-08 12:58
>As a former Marine I say kill them all.
2010-07-07 02:10
>We check 6 times….. I wonder how many times the Taliban checks before they fire upon us????
2010-07-06 22:51
>Great work. Semper Fi. Once again the ROE is causing our troops to fight with handcuffs on. Didn't we learn that we can't do that in Nam. We have the best military on the planet and we should trust them to do their jobs. Maybe it is time to elect people who have served in the military. God (yes I said God) bless our troops. Come home safe.
2010-07-06 17:44
>Well done…keep up the good work. Many blessings and prayers.
2010-07-06 16:59
>They had the same Bulls@*t rules in Vietnam…..We all know how that turned out.
2010-07-06 03:40
>Killing ten terrorists at a time each time we can will keep this war going on and on. Why not just blockade the entire Persian Gulf? Nothing goes in, nothing comes out. Then notify other countries – especially those who require wheat or technology from us – that if they do business with those mid-east countries, they don't do business with us. If they are not allowed to export their oil and drugs they won't make the billions of dollars that fund world-wide terrorism, which is a very costly operation. The Taliban and Al Qaeda will be reduced to nothing more than local thugs. That blockade also must includes flights in and out of the area. Within one year, we'll be calling the tunes, including oil prices.
2010-07-06 00:49
>Just keep on kicking those butts! Take all precausion possible to avoid civilian deaths, but don't put our troops in harms way if the situation calls for action.
It is always better to beg forgiveness than to ask for permission!
God Bless Our Troops and God Bless America. Happy Independence Day, 234 and counting!
2010-07-05 16:08
>Kill them all-let God sort it out–oh no, that not PC OK-what I meant to say was- Thank you -everyday-Thank you. God Bless and keep you safe. Thank you. USAFVet-72-76
2010-07-02 23:10
>outstanding work, bros; death from above–they never, ever look up.
Joe Vietnam Vet
2010-06-28 03:17
>Geat Job Bro's
Joe US Army Nam Vet 1965-1971
2010-06-24 16:15
>YGTBSM!!! He has to get clearance SIX times before he can engage the enemy!
You can't win with those kind of restrictions.
2010-06-20 23:15
>I find it amusing that such attention is paid to encounters that involve platoon sized elements. These skirmishes sure seem to please the folks back home, though…
2010-06-20 20:24
>A lot of people seem to think we are still at war with Afghanistan when we are not, just the Taliban. There are a lot of women and children living about and being used as human shields. My point is that our own police are not allowed to shoot if it puts a noncombatant at risk. If it were your wife or/and kid in the line of fire you wouldn't want the police to take a single shot until they were clear. If it was up to the crew your wife and kid would be dead (Oh I forgot human life isn't sacred). It makes since to have such strict rules of engagement. I'm very proud of the men and women who put their lives on the line with such conditions.
2010-06-17 03:49
>Warrior 6 hit the nail on the head. Awful lot of Marine semper Fi and slaps on the back for what is obviously an Army operation. The Marines don't have Apache's. An the Apache's infared system is the best in the business. I know,as a Chinook driver I had to be lead home one night by an Apache gun team because my goggles were almost useless in the low ambient light.
Tombstone American Legion Post 24 Pictures
2010-06-11 17:54
Warrior-Six USAR, Former SpecOps pilot!
2010-06-10 03:31
>Wish you had a real President to support you and your country. It would make life so much easier for you and yours. God bless you and keep you safe.
2010-06-08 03:33
>Not to take away from the story here but only the Army flies Apaches, the Marines gunship is the Super Corbra. Just a little detail.
Dr. Top 1SG, US Army
2010-06-08 00:33
>I am sorry, I just posted the long message anonymously and failed to say (shame on me), Thank you for all your service.
2010-06-08 00:32
>Don't we remember the Taliban were involved in training/harboring the AQ in the times before 9/11 and after. Why does the UN need to restrict the US? If we have to revisit this to explain to our current president so he gets it so he can sleep at night with the poor innocent AQ/Taliban victims of our savagery then let's let him know it by showing our support for the continuation of the 'war of terror.' We need to be less ran by the UN and more led by moral and upright citizens. If the citizens that we select are chosen well we will always be able to answer the question in our national anthem, with yes the star spangle banner does wave over the land of the free and the home of the brave. We have a lot to be humble about and a lot to be thankful but we also have a lot to be concerned. The typical outcome of a UN ruled engagement costs American's lives. Mogadishu is an example of this and will be again if our approach does not change. The news there currently is not good. Hopefully we will get an upper hand and bring peace to this ravaged area. Take a look at this link to see more about this hot spot.
2010-06-05 01:02
>Strange…. we have brave, patriotic men and women in the Marines and other branches sworn to uphold the constitution, taking orders from a muslim who wants to destroy it….. Strange…
2010-06-04 18:27
>10 min's is 9:59 to long…
2010-06-03 14:36
>I wonder what the last thing going through those Talibans' minds was? LEAD! Good work, all around.
2010-05-31 18:44
>God Bless our troops. Idiots in the government are slowing down the whole show! If they'd just let the military do their job the way they know how we'd all be better off. Keep up the good work and thanks for keeping all of us safe. We love you all. The daughter of a veteran of WWII and the Korean War
2010-05-26 20:16
>Reminds me of the restrictions imposed in Vietnam. My first tour, with helicopters, if fired upon fire back. My second tour you had to identify, call province chief to make sure they were not friendly native, (didn't matter if you were fired at) after all of that then division had to ok to engage.Mel (retired Army)
2010-05-24 09:00
>Thanks guys and gals for all you do for America! I truly appreciate it and so does my whole family (father/USCG; brother/Army; and me/USAF). Disgusting having to wait so long…they sure don't!!! They will kill whoever, whenever they can and I am sure they are not asking permission to fire. As far as the enemy is concerned soldiers or civilians, it doesn't matter as long as they take out Americans, Israelites or whoever is the enemy of the minute. Come on all you higher ups, 10 mins…really?!!! The goal is to watch out for our troops, not theirs.
Debbie O. USAF 84-87 Beale AFB
2010-05-19 00:55
>Way to go guys! Oath Keepers!
2010-05-17 04:42
>I don't knpw if there is room on this page to say what i have to say I served in my usmc from 1960- 1970 i can tell you one you haven't heard I Spent 6 months in cuba we boarded those russian ships with no ammo in our weapons just a scared young marine if one of those guards got triger happy and started to shoot we did not have any clue what we would do but vietnam was for me, i served with a group that did not need the ok to fire that group was 2nd force recon if we incountered fire power we had permission to lock and load and we did it with great pleasure.If you every was to see your buddys get shot with an ak-47 or blown up from a bouncing betty should i say more i don't won't to hear who should or shouldn't die if you ant been there you don't know SEMPER FI Rock and Roll
2010-05-16 14:56
>Collateral damage is a bad thing, but a fact of war. When we find another method with which to solve differences between nations, then we will have truly evolved. In the mean time, this is what we have, you see the enemy, you take them out, if some idiot runs the wrong direction in panic, well, i'm sorry but too bad.
Bob Trotta
2010-05-16 01:24
>GOD BLESS all of you. Stay safe and come home soon and protect OUR borders from drug dealers and other scum!
2010-05-15 11:16
>Watch out Hajee. Our boys mean business. Wait to go guys.
2010-05-15 00:24
>Taking care of business… And one does not have to agree with the lag time – rules and laws are separate us from losers like the enemy that America has to deal with…
2010-05-14 01:07
>Use it against the drug cartels coming across our borders!
2010-05-12 17:37
>way to go. . just kick ass, no need to take names. semper fi
2010-05-12 03:47
>What a crock of crap having to wait for some dweeb in Washington (or who knows where) to give the OK .. That kind of crap is exactly what went hayhwire with Viet Nam. Leave it up to the crew ..
Lou Navarra
2010-05-11 19:56
>These young and some older true American heroes,fighting to protect the innocent civilians. God bless you, because your outstanding soldiers doing a job only a few can do. You and only you know what freedom and the allegiance is in our great America. In God we trust,and in our constitution.I reach out to you with my right hand in gesture in shaking yours to let you know that I personally congratulate you all for what your doing. My only hope is that when its over our country will not forget you and have them take care of you. My prayers go out to all of you.
2010-05-10 20:03
>Glad to see and hear what's going on over there from those directly involved. Perhaps, if there weren't all those restrictions, a semblence of peace could be achieved a lot sooner. Bless all of you guys and girls for everything you're doing for us. Thank you.
2010-05-06 18:31
>Thanks to the Military for all you have given and for all you continue to give to keep our country safe. I firmly believe that every President (Commander in Chief) should have some military experience or at the very least RESPECT for the Military…our current President does not.
2010-05-06 13:25
>Peace Through Superior Firepower.
You know, Civilians get hurt in war, they always have, they always will. Especially when it's a 'civilian' who just dropped their AK and took off running.
2010-05-06 05:31
>I dont understand why we dont turn the whole place into GLASS !Good Job Boys Hope you all make it back home God Speed boys
2010-05-04 18:38
>Did Afghanistan Attack America, or the Afghani people did any harm to the United States?? what did the Talibans do to us?? i don't understand. to tell you the truth, i don't like the way the run Afghanistan and i hate seeing innocent people Americans and Afghanies be cought in the middle of this confilect and had to pay for something they are notv aware of. will someone tells me the truth, and the real reason why we went to Afghanistan!! God bless America.
2010-05-04 01:13
>Kill them all and let God sort them out!
2010-05-04 01:04
>YEEHA! Say "howdy" to Allah when you get there! Hope you get your virgins! Bye Bye bad guys!
2010-05-02 21:09
>what I told my brother's "THANK YOU". WE ARE SO PROUD OF YOU. "THANK YOU".
Brittney Hoffman
2010-05-02 06:19
>kill those shit bags. kill every last one of them!
2010-05-01 05:01
>The boys did a GREAT job on those Talibans….but I guess they were lucky it only took 10 minutes to get permission with Burocrats controlling the reigns of the military. They were lucky not to have to throw warning messages out the window to halt and dissist.
2010-04-30 20:12
>Our helo pilots can empathize regarding engaging the Somali pirates.
Big Banana
2010-04-30 04:30
>To hell with these idiots in Washington that couldn't pour piss out of a boot with the directions written on the heel !! Keep up the good work , guys , and don't let dipshits who don't know what it's all about tell you that you can't do your job any way you need to !!!!!
2010-04-30 02:43
>Thanks to our troops for all you do!
2010-04-29 21:54
>This is the most effective way to deal with terorists and not hurt civilians.I Served in Viet Nam 68 -69 the enemy wore uniforms not like the terorists they shoot at you from houses and then walk outside with a baby in their arms so you can't shoot them. GOD BLESS OUR TROUPS
2010-04-29 17:54
>So thankful for the dedication and bravery of our troops to defend America!!!!! God Bless America!!! I love saying "thank you" to a soldier for their support!!! Keep kicking butt, so when you get home you can kick Obama's butt!!!!
2010-04-29 16:46
>I'm so proud of the men who go over to protect us over here,USA home. If only each and everyone could get this message it would make their day as well as mine. It takes allot of good brave men to do so. I'm just an old lady that is an invalid and in an electric wheel chair or I would stand up when I seen even just one soldier pass by me. Thank you again for your ability to go to the wars.
2010-04-29 00:59
>just like vietnam assholes trying to run the war!!
CSM Ralph
2010-04-28 17:34
>Like Vietnam, I know the men and women fighting there have faith that we are accomplishing something good. Perhaps even thinking that they are somehow protecting those of us back home. Like Vietnam, and three years of serving there, I came to the realization that the people there are no worse off than they were before we went there, and perhaps just as well off now. I read Fire in the Lake, and came to the realization that we wasted millions of dollars, and over 50,000 lives for what. After 38 years, I am still searching for the answers. I came to know and love, and respect many of the Vietnamese people, and only wanted what was the best for them. I'm not sure I knew, or even the Politicians that sent us there knew either. Fifty Thousand of my Comrades in Arms lost…. for what. I am still waiting for someone to tell me why.
2010-04-28 10:37
>I think this is the only way to handle Terrist. They don't play by the rules so why should our troops have too. In 71/72 I was involved in things that wrre more questionable than what I just watched and was given orders to do so. Amazing how things change or not. I want to thank all of the American troops for standong up for GOD and COUNTRY and doing there jobs. OOH RAW
2010-04-28 10:08
>great job, god bless to our troops
2010-04-28 00:06
>if washington wasnt makin our boys fight with one arm tied behind ther backs they would already b home GOOD JOB SOLDIERS THANK U FOR YOUR SERVICE GET HOME SAFE !!!!
2010-04-28 00:00
>Well, Coffeepot, I guess you never had your butt hole stay puckered for 10 minutes, not knowing what was sneaking up on you in the middle of the dark, in a foreign land……..
2010-04-27 22:34
>"We sleep safely in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit terrible violence on those who would do us harm." God bless our troops!
2010-04-27 21:38
>This country has not learned from Vietnam that colateral damage is irrelevant in WAR. Kill them all and let God sort it out!
2010-04-25 23:48
>Shades of Sunny South Vietnam where we often had to wait for permission to fire on a target of opportunity because the enemy was operating in a no-fire zone. In that situation we waited to fire because we were not engaged just as these pilots waited. Another example of professionalism by our military and my hat is off to you. Well Done by all.
2010-04-25 23:07
>We would have lost WW11 if we had used these tactics.Every one living west of the Mississippi river would be speaking Japanese,and every one east of the river would be speaking German. I am 76 years old and you young people do not understand real war.Young to me is under sixty. Yes I did fight in Korea.
2010-04-25 20:46
2010-04-24 03:40
>Hoo Rah!
2010-04-23 23:39
>The morals and ethics of Soldiers I've known shouldn't require clearance. Especially from a Washington politician.
Pointer Outer
2010-04-23 19:47
>God bless every one of you Marines, and there aren't enough words to express my thanks for your service and sacrifice on my behalf.
Continue kicking ass, and don't worry about taking any names. We can't pronounce them anyway.
10 minutes to get a clearance to fire is total BS. If the bleeding heart politicians don't trust your judgement as Marines, then they shouldn't place you in harm's way.
Bruce Miller
2010-04-22 20:29
>ROE are a real mess. If the civilians aren't helping us–then they are with the enemy. In a war innocents get killed. Look at V-1s and V-2s raining down on England at random. Massive bomb attacks over Germany and Japan. Ten minutes can be an eternity if someone is blasting away at you.
2010-04-21 14:14
>First, kudos and thanks to all of our military personnel. As a veteran, I know that field commanders and civilian leadership often make poor, even foolish decisions. However, I am thankful and proud that my country cares about the possibility of injuring or killing innocent people.
2010-04-18 20:27
>Thanks very much for this excellent echo of an excellent report. God Bless Our Troops!
2010-04-18 02:52
>Keep the media and politians out of the war and we would not have had any since the late 60's. We have the weapons, now we have to ask permiision before we pull the trigger? Thank God our State Police don't have to do that yet. Good job troops. Harry Tionesta, Pa
2010-04-14 06:38
>Let's allow the troops make the decisions when facing the insurgents. Why sould they have to get approval. mabe upper level justification. Good ob troops. News media has no place on the battlefield….
2010-04-06 15:35
>Rules of engagement are necessary I guess, to help protect the civilians. I was a Marine Helo Gunner in vietnam, and many times, we'd receive fire, but couldn't return fire until cleared to engage. Sometimes we didn't have the fuel to remain in the area until permission to fire was given. Very irritating to get shot at and not be able to engage. Good work guys.
2010-04-06 10:04
>Thank you for all you do, we the people are forever indebted to you all. God Bless!
2010-04-05 03:37
>When the civilian leadership is ignorant of military affairs but shares equally in the command of the armies, the soldiers hesitate. Once armies are confused and hesitant, trouble comes from competitors. This is called taking away victory by deranging the military. – Master Sun
Current rules of engagement prevent the military from fully executing their duties and putting personnel in the face of undue harm.
Viejo Loco
2010-04-03 19:54
>The word Sympathizer is the key; I didn't see anyone skipping alongside all those WITH weapons in the dark so your comment is moot in my book. Flew AC-119Ks in SEA. Wish we had had the IR they have now, what a picture! By the way, the controls then were not much less than they are currently Keep up the good work, all ranks in all services, Thank YOU for the Service you do so carefully.
2010-04-01 23:11
>Damn I'm proud to be an American and even more proud of our Military. Kick ass boys!
Border Raven's Blog
2010-04-01 04:19
2010-03-31 21:18
>Great job by our troops, but it does anger me that our "representatives" in D.C. come up with ridiculous restrictions.
Semper Fi!
2010-03-29 22:31
>Heroes on the battlefield; idiots in Washington… it makes it tough on the heroes!!!
2010-03-27 03:37
>Our arsenal is best kept secret. The press (public opinion) shouldn't talk tactics. For Safety Sake… Mine is only a Puerto Rico Police Firearm's Instructor's Opinion.
2010-03-26 00:10
>"Go ahead, make my day!" Nothing like firepower!
2010-03-01 00:11
>Thank you to all you who have done this for us. Semper Fi.
trisha l
2010-02-28 21:21
>Wow! high five and fist bumps all around. Nice work guys
2010-02-28 03:09
>YAHOO! My only question is, since our guys aren't fighting an Army, but religious zealots, who are the civilians? And how many of those civilians killed were actually Taliban fighters or sympathizers? And I’m not too impressed with having to wait 10 min.
Show some love!
“The Suck”
is a term every Marine knows well. It’s the tough days, the grueling moments,
the situations that push you to your limits, and then some. But more than just
enduring, Marines learn to embrace “The Suck” as a badge of honor, a testament
to resilience, grit, and camaraderie.
Pit-Talk (Pulling Pits and Opinions) Podcast, hosted by Gunny G, is a podcast where service members help service members, past or present. Where they bring insight through tough conversations about the military, wellness and self improvement, and how we can give back to the community. No story is too big or small and he shares battles they have won along the way.
Great job! However, just like in Vietnam, we have to have permission to fire at obvious enemies. No wonder these wars linger so long. Just do the job and get out. Party over.
[…] Click here for the video of the U.S. Apache Helicopter. […]
Asa VietNam vet,I am all for FREE FIRE ZONES. The ROE are too restrictive, which is one important reason, why we can not win this war. If we were this concerned over civiians, during WW2, we would not have won nor ended the war as quickly as we did.
Politicians sitting at comfy desks should not be directing battles at the front. To inspire your men you must lead from the front. Get the yellow bellies off their asses and into the shit!!!!!!!!!!!
Rock Hilton
US Army, Vietnam era veteran
Hooah! Nicely done!
>Nothing seems to change when civilians & politicians run a war. During Vietnam all commanders had to read a mandatory order from Westmoreland to 100% of troops-You will not return fire without permission of USARV Hq. After reading the order I gave my order-If fired upon kill the SOB! Vietnam's value was less than one American life. Same goes for Iraq, Iran,Afganistan. We need to get back to "kick ass,take name, and come home! Company commander 1967-68 retired 1988.
>I knew that this was happening. It reminds me of Vietnam days. Geese nothing has changed. You would have thought our government would have learned. Why not give the enemy a national Muslm 30 day time out so they can regroupe,rearm and get better weapons just like we did in Vietnam. Oh yes I remember the Red River Valley. The enemy kills so much better when regrouped,rested and modernized.D. Twohy USAF
>Thank You American Military – the most professional and noble organization in the world !!
Couple notes though – it sounds like they had to get approval to engage on every burst of fire. That would give the enemy more time to counter or to flee. The publicizing of this tactic (to reduce civilian causalities) will allow the enemy to quickly change tactics and use the protection of civilians so they can more easily move around. Why should we tell them how we fight our battles?
Brian, USAF 1977-2000
>Nice… only one problem that I have… the bullshit 10min wait to engage.. by that time they could have made it to a house then what… oh we cant shoot now…. ROE has to change…
>I thought they would walk to freedom before we engaged them.
This is a war why do we wait so looooong to kill them????
>if they are a raghead pop their ass. if you pop enough there will a thinning of the herd and dont worry with the little stuff
>Another Great Job by our Troops. If you don't support them, feel free to stand in front of them.
Semper Fi
Ken J
>Nothing better than watching Uncle Sam open a can of whoop a$$!! Way to go boys….
>Great job guys! Thank you for keeping our country and families safe! God Bless America!!
>10 minutes delay … what did they have to do call Pelosi or Biden or maybe the Commander in Chief for his personal approval..10 minutes is horendous in situations like this and can get OUR GUYS killed… Washington needs to stay the heck out and let the men do the work …and by the way whay doesn't someone have the XXXXs to stop forcing the troops to wear the approved body armor and allow them to wear what works in the field..
>Good job. If we don't fight 'em over there, we'll have to fight 'em over here. Good huntin', stay safe and come home.
>Good job boys god bless America
>Well done, and thank you –
>Get the "f'n" outa town. That's how you do it brother….
Now they can go meet their 72 Virginians in the after life… like George Washington, Patrick Henry, James Madison, John Randolph, James Monroe, Thomas Jefferson and 66 other people who have the same love for liberty and America and who are waiting to kick their A$$ all over again.
>This P C war is absolutely insane. Simper fi to our marines, army, navy, air force, national guard, coast guard who put their lives at risk for our country. We don't deserve such heroism, such self sacrifice. You are all MOST HONORABLE.
You will always be our heroes. God keep our nation safe from these idiots in Washington DC.
>I can tell that my son has been to Aphghanistan x 2 now and he says the rules of engagement are a bunch of horse shit, (thats as nice as I can put it). And by the way, as a supporter of the troops and the military in general , I now say, we need to get out NOW. This is going no where. And we are staying now for the politicians to recoup any personal ill gotten gain, and for purposes of reelecting themselves. Thats how I see it. So lets GET THE HELL OUT.
>GOOD JOB!! Just a shame they had to wait that long.
>Darin Lewis McChesney said….
The job you young men and women are involved in, is one that will structure you as human beings in the future ,not mentioning your keeping of us safe from an enemy,that has 0 regard for life,and is not educated with any beliefs as us,however understands how to be hateful.Use this to your advantage, in a situation like this,do not let them think we are weak with democracey,but after you head but them with your rifle,ask them if if it hurts.
>Good job, "jar heads". My thought is those "towel heads" have been fighting each other for hundreds of years. BRING OUR TROOPS HOME AND LET THEM FIGHT EACH OTHER. Not 100000 of them is worth one Marine, and they are killing 100 + a week. Let's get out of there.
>Just wondering how long does the Taliban fighters have to wait before firing?
>It is not the troops in battle that need permission to do that for which they have been trained and are the best in the world, but it is the idiots and A-hoes in washington that need to get our permission to do that which they have wrongly done without our consent for the last two years.
>AMEN, Edward, you said it for me. May God bless you and all the troops putting their lives on the line to keep America safe.
From Comfort, Texas, USA
>A new generation of troops is doing an extraordinary job under the most difficult of circumstances. I follow their progress with admiration and an abiding pride in the Corps.
Edward J. Palumbo
1st MarDiv – RVN
>God bless your troops.
Shoot every Taliban and muslim you can put your sights on!
Scum buckets of the earth.
>There may be some lessons we can learn from the Isreali's. I feel that while civilian casualties should be avoided if possible, we can go to war and try to kill people NICELY!!
It's War! Them or US! Ultimately FEAR is the equalizier or qualifier for wins and losses. If I now afraid of you enough to stop the nonsense that I am doing, then You Win!
>The U.S. needs to turn our troops loose and let them do the job that they were sent there to do. If we had a President with balls, he would do so. But, unfortunateley all we have is an acting President who would not give a rats behing for our troops. This so called President is actually an acting President. He has not proven to be an American citizen. We need a Senator with the necessary balls to call for a Congressional Investigation on this Muslim's birth status while there is still time.
>Call sign: Ricepaddy
USAF 68-81, Jungle country 69-70,73-74.
Shoot them all and let God Sort them Out.. Just like my war, they're Afgan's be day, and Taliban by night, and they will use anything and everyone as part of their weapons.
>Our troops should only be put in harms way when absolutely necessary and only after executing a scorched earth policy, where we carpet bomb our enemy back to the stone age. Then if some piece of sh** managed to survive and crawl out from some hole to throw so much as a stone at our troops….we hit them again and again. This enemy only understands two things, strength and weakness. They despise and exploit our weakness but they respect and fear our strength. God Bless our troops.
>Great job guys! Semper Fi!! That said, it's absolutely ridiculous that it took so long & you had to ask for permission. What an absurd idea!! It's the kind of idiocy that has gotten so many fighting men killed in Nam and since. We spend countless 100's of thousands of dollars teaching, training over and over again every pilot, gunner, & officer in the field. And when the time comes for him to use his knowledge and skill he has to get permission from someone who isn't there. How stupid to treat well trained fighters like idiots. Let the men you've trained do what you trained them to do. If they screw up take care of them. Officers and senior enlisted personnel in charge of troops should be allowed to make decisions immediately that are in line with established "Rules of Engagement" and not have to depend on some pinhead hundreds of miles away (or even in Florida looking at a satellite feed)! It's why I favor and have more respect for the "good ole' days"! Keep taking it to 'em! Hooooraahh!!
>It sounds so much like the political crap we had to put with Vietnam, which probably got more good Marines killed than the VC ever could have. Protect yourself Marines, keep your eyes open and your rifles ready.
Semper Fi
>Hoorah…kicking ass and not taken names. God Bless you boys!!!
>Good Job Mr. Wally Beddoe, CPL USMC 81-85!!!
Thank you and yours for your service!!!!!!!
Chuck Walker
San Jose, CA
>I am very proud of each one of you. This a war and not a movie. Our men are sincere in what they do and they know what the cost of freedom is. WE need to use the same courage and fight those in Washington who are trying to take away the freedom by using false words of how the government will take care of us. We Americans have been taking care of ourselves for years. Thanks guys and gals and God Bless.
>Thanks for all you are giving up to keep use safe at home.Keep up the good work!! God Bless.
>Finally, someone read all your comments as being written by people watching an "arcade game". Those were not metal ducks being pulled across their gun sights; they were a bunch of confused and frightened human beings, who just happened to be born in the wrong place at the wrong time (we all hope and pray). Yes, we are at war and here are a band of "brothers" pushed out into the night with bad intentions and killing weapons but also as sitting ducks. It is one thing to be there and be pulling the trigger and quite another to be viewing this incredible footage. The proper reaction is silence or maybe God help us find another way to communicate with these people. Oh, BTW, we are not at war with the Afghanistan or even the Taliban but with groups who act like and say they are terrorists and who are affiliated with Al-Qaeda and Osama Bin Ladin. The Taliban are a religious sect and it is important to the future of America and the world that this not be forever labeled as a war of Christianity against Muslims (any Sect).
Also, with respect to the 10-minute wait, it only magnifies the awesome power we have even when we have to wait to reduce the risk of civilian casualties.
May your God forgive us for these deaths and continue to guide whomever possesses this awesome power in the future.
>I despair when I see some of the comments here. What is the problem you have with checking that you are not firing on innocent civilians – or worse – blue on blue. You act as though this conflict is just an arcade game.
With all your might, your organisation doesn't have a system in place to get authorisation in a shorter time?
Remember, the need for authorisation came about because of so many US past cock-ups. Come on, learn from history, it is not as though you have much of it to study!
>I was an Army gunship pilot in Vietnam that experienced the same "wait for permission / approval to return fire" crap. We learned to make up approval initials when our guys on the ground were in trouble. Screw the bureaucrats in their comfortable houses back home! And no one ever said shit about it.
>Thank You Men and Women for my Freedom!!!!!!!!
I hope my Kids get to enjoy it too!!!!!!
C.Brown from south Texas
>Civilians have been killed in every war that was ever fought, and they'll be killed in every war from now on. Collateral damage. And if they let the cowards of the Taliban or Al Qaeda hide amongst them and use them as shields, so be it. No sleep should be lost over it and no assholes in Washington, D.C. (District Of Criminals) should be calling any shots for the troops in the field in harm's way. They haven't the experience and they sure as hell haven't earned that right !! If the ROE were to kill the enemy by any and all means available, the troops would have been home years ago.
Viet Nam veteran- 1962-'63.
>My only fear here is that showing these tactics videos will show the enemy how to pose as dead and not be shot. If they all fell to the ground after the first volley, they would have looked dead and the choppers might have moved on. I just hope these guys don't get training from someone with internet access who can study these videos and learn how to better hide from our forces
>I am glad they are concerned about collateral damage and all but, 10 minutes!!! You're breakin my balls man.
>As a former Marine I say kill them all.
>We check 6 times….. I wonder how many times the Taliban checks before they fire upon us????
>Great work. Semper Fi. Once again the ROE is causing our troops to fight with handcuffs on. Didn't we learn that we can't do that in Nam. We have the best military on the planet and we should trust them to do their jobs. Maybe it is time to elect people who have served in the military. God (yes I said God) bless our troops. Come home safe.
>Well done…keep up the good work. Many blessings and prayers.
>They had the same Bulls@*t rules in Vietnam…..We all know how that turned out.
>Killing ten terrorists at a time each time we can will keep this war going on and on. Why not just blockade the entire Persian Gulf? Nothing goes in, nothing comes out. Then notify other countries – especially those who require wheat or technology from us – that if they do business with those mid-east countries, they don't do business with us. If they are not allowed to export their oil and drugs they won't make the billions of dollars that fund world-wide terrorism, which is a very costly operation. The Taliban and Al Qaeda will be reduced to nothing more than local thugs. That blockade also must includes flights in and out of the area. Within one year, we'll be calling the tunes, including oil prices.
>Just keep on kicking those butts! Take all precausion possible to avoid civilian deaths, but don't put our troops in harms way if the situation calls for action.
It is always better to beg forgiveness than to ask for permission!
God Bless Our Troops and God Bless America.
Happy Independence Day, 234 and counting!
>Kill them all-let God sort it out–oh no, that not PC OK-what I meant to say was- Thank you -everyday-Thank you. God Bless and keep you safe. Thank you. USAFVet-72-76
>outstanding work, bros; death from above–they never, ever look up.
>Geat Job Bro's
US Army Nam Vet
>YGTBSM!!! He has to get clearance SIX times before he can engage the enemy!
You can't win with those kind of restrictions.
>I find it amusing that such attention is paid to encounters that involve platoon sized elements. These skirmishes sure seem to please the folks back home, though…
>A lot of people seem to think we are still at war with Afghanistan when we are not, just the Taliban. There are a lot of women and children living about and being used as human shields. My point is that our own police are not allowed to shoot if it puts a noncombatant at risk. If it were your wife or/and kid in the line of fire you wouldn't want the police to take a single shot until they were clear. If it was up to the crew your wife and kid would be dead (Oh I forgot human life isn't sacred). It makes since to have such strict rules of engagement. I'm very proud of the men and women who put their lives on the line with such conditions.
>Warrior 6 hit the nail on the head. Awful lot of Marine semper Fi and slaps on the back for what is obviously an Army operation. The Marines don't have Apache's. An the Apache's infared system is the best in the business. I know,as a Chinook driver I had to be lead home one night by an Apache gun team because my goggles were almost useless in the low ambient light.
USAR, Former SpecOps pilot!
>Wish you had a real President to support you and your country. It would make life so much easier for you and yours. God bless you and keep you safe.
>Not to take away from the story here but only the Army flies Apaches, the Marines gunship is the Super Corbra. Just a little detail.
Dr. Top
1SG, US Army
>I am sorry, I just posted the long message anonymously and failed to say (shame on me), Thank you for all your service.
>Don't we remember the Taliban were involved in training/harboring the AQ in the times before 9/11 and after. Why does the UN need to restrict the US? If we have to revisit this to explain to our current president so he gets it so he can sleep at night with the poor innocent AQ/Taliban victims of our savagery then let's let him know it by showing our support for the continuation of the 'war of terror.' We need to be less ran by the UN and more led by moral and upright citizens. If the citizens that we select are chosen well we will always be able to answer the question in our national anthem, with yes the star spangle banner does wave over the land of the free and the home of the brave. We have a lot to be humble about and a lot to be thankful but we also have a lot to be concerned. The typical outcome of a UN ruled engagement costs American's lives. Mogadishu is an example of this and will be again if our approach does not change. The news there currently is not good. Hopefully we will get an upper hand and bring peace to this ravaged area. Take a look at this link to see more about this hot spot.
>Strange…. we have brave, patriotic men and women in the Marines and other branches sworn to uphold the constitution, taking orders from a muslim who wants to destroy it….. Strange…
>10 min's is 9:59 to long…
>I wonder what the last thing going through those Talibans' minds was? LEAD! Good work, all around.
>God Bless our troops. Idiots in the government are slowing down the whole show! If they'd just let the military do their job the way they know how we'd all be better off.
Keep up the good work and thanks for keeping all of us safe. We love you all.
The daughter of a veteran of WWII and the Korean War
>Reminds me of the restrictions imposed in Vietnam. My first tour, with helicopters, if fired upon fire back. My second tour you had to identify, call province chief to make sure they were not friendly native, (didn't matter if you were fired at) after all of that then division had to ok to engage.Mel (retired Army)
>Thanks guys and gals for all you do for America! I truly appreciate it and so does my whole family (father/USCG; brother/Army; and me/USAF). Disgusting having to wait so long…they sure don't!!! They will kill whoever, whenever they can and I am sure they are not asking permission to fire. As far as the enemy is concerned soldiers or civilians, it doesn't matter as long as they take out Americans, Israelites or whoever is the enemy of the minute. Come on all you higher ups, 10 mins…really?!!! The goal is to watch out for our troops, not theirs.
Debbie O.
USAF 84-87
Beale AFB
>Way to go guys! Oath Keepers!
>I don't knpw if there is room on this page to say what i have to say I served in my usmc from 1960- 1970 i can tell you one you haven't heard I Spent 6 months in cuba we boarded those russian ships with no ammo in our weapons just a scared young marine if one of those guards got triger happy and started to shoot we did not have any clue what we would do but vietnam was for me, i served with a group that did not need the ok to fire that group was 2nd force recon if we incountered fire power we had permission to lock and load and we did it with great pleasure.If you every was to see your buddys get shot with an ak-47 or blown up from a bouncing betty should i say more i don't won't to hear who should or shouldn't die if you ant been there you don't know SEMPER FI Rock and Roll
>Collateral damage is a bad thing, but a fact of war. When we find another method with which to solve differences between nations, then we will have truly evolved. In the mean time, this is what we have, you see the enemy, you take them out, if some idiot runs the wrong direction in panic, well, i'm sorry but too bad.
>GOD BLESS all of you. Stay safe and come home soon and protect OUR borders from drug dealers and other scum!
>Watch out Hajee. Our boys mean business. Wait to go guys.
>Taking care of business… And one does not have to agree with the lag time – rules and laws are separate us from losers like the enemy that America has to deal with…
>Use it against the drug cartels coming across our borders!
>way to go. .
just kick ass, no need to take names.
semper fi
>What a crock of crap having to wait for some dweeb in Washington (or who knows where) to give the OK .. That kind of crap is exactly what went hayhwire with Viet Nam. Leave it up to the crew ..
>These young and some older true American heroes,fighting to protect the innocent civilians. God bless you, because your outstanding soldiers doing a job only a few can do. You and only you know what freedom and the allegiance is in our great America. In God we trust,and in our constitution.I reach out to you with my right hand in gesture in shaking yours to let you know that I personally congratulate you all for what your doing. My only hope is that when its over our country will not forget you and have them take care of you. My prayers go out to all of you.
>Glad to see and hear what's going on over there from those directly involved. Perhaps, if there weren't all those restrictions, a semblence of peace could be achieved a lot sooner. Bless all of you guys and girls for everything you're doing for us. Thank you.
>Thanks to the Military for all you have given and for all you continue to give to keep our country safe. I firmly believe that every President (Commander in Chief) should have some military experience or at the very least RESPECT for the Military…our current President does not.
>Peace Through Superior Firepower.
You know, Civilians get hurt in war, they always have, they always will. Especially when it's a 'civilian' who just dropped their AK and took off running.
>I dont understand why we dont turn the whole place into GLASS !Good Job Boys Hope you all make it back home God Speed boys
>Did Afghanistan Attack America, or the Afghani people did any harm to the United States?? what did the Talibans do to us?? i don't understand. to tell you the truth, i don't like the way the run Afghanistan and i hate seeing innocent people Americans and Afghanies be cought in the middle of this confilect and had to pay for something they are notv aware of. will someone tells me the truth, and the real reason why we went to Afghanistan!!
God bless America.
>Kill them all and let God sort them out!
>YEEHA! Say "howdy" to Allah when you get there! Hope you get your virgins! Bye Bye bad guys!
>what I told my brother's "THANK YOU".
>kill those shit bags. kill every last one of them!
>The boys did a GREAT job on those Talibans….but I guess they were lucky it only took 10 minutes to get permission with Burocrats controlling the reigns of the military. They were lucky not to have to throw warning messages out the window to halt and dissist.
>Our helo pilots can empathize regarding engaging the Somali pirates.
>To hell with these idiots in Washington that couldn't pour piss out of a boot with the directions written on the heel !! Keep up the good work , guys , and don't let dipshits who don't know what it's all about tell you that you can't do your job any way you need to !!!!!
>Thanks to our troops for all you do!
>This is the most effective way to deal with terorists and not hurt civilians.I Served in Viet Nam 68 -69 the enemy wore uniforms not like the terorists they shoot at you from houses and then walk outside with a baby in their arms so you can't shoot them.
>So thankful for the dedication and bravery of our troops to defend America!!!!! God Bless America!!! I love saying "thank you" to a soldier for their support!!! Keep kicking butt, so when you get home you can kick Obama's butt!!!!
>I'm so proud of the men who go over to protect us over here,USA home. If only each and everyone could get this message it would make their day as well as mine. It takes allot of good brave men to do so.
I'm just an old lady that is an invalid and in an electric wheel chair or I would stand up when I seen even just one soldier pass by me. Thank you again for your ability to go to the wars.
>just like vietnam assholes trying to run the war!!
>Like Vietnam, I know the men and women fighting there have faith that we are accomplishing something good. Perhaps even thinking that they are somehow protecting those of us back home. Like Vietnam, and three years of serving there, I came to the realization that the people there are no worse off than they were before we went there, and perhaps just as well off now. I read Fire in the Lake, and came to the realization that we wasted millions of dollars, and over 50,000 lives for what. After 38 years, I am still searching for the answers. I came to know and love, and respect many of the Vietnamese people, and only wanted what was the best for them. I'm not sure I knew, or even the Politicians that sent us there knew either. Fifty Thousand of my Comrades in Arms lost…. for what. I am still waiting for someone to tell me why.
>I think this is the only way to handle Terrist. They don't play by the rules so why should our troops have too. In 71/72 I was involved in things that wrre more questionable than what I just watched and was given orders to do so. Amazing how things change or not. I want to thank all of the American troops for standong up for GOD and COUNTRY and doing there jobs. OOH RAW
>great job, god bless to our troops
>if washington wasnt makin our boys fight with one arm tied behind ther backs they would already b home GOOD JOB SOLDIERS THANK U FOR YOUR SERVICE GET HOME SAFE !!!!
>Well, Coffeepot, I guess you never had your butt hole stay puckered for 10 minutes, not knowing what was sneaking up on you in the middle of the dark, in a foreign land……..
>"We sleep safely in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit terrible violence on those who would do us harm."
God bless our troops!
>This country has not learned from Vietnam that colateral damage is irrelevant in WAR. Kill them all and let God sort it out!
>Shades of Sunny South Vietnam where we often had to wait for permission to fire on a target of opportunity because the enemy was operating in a no-fire zone. In that situation we waited to fire because we were not engaged just as these pilots waited. Another example of professionalism by our military and my hat is off to you. Well Done by all.
>We would have lost WW11 if we had used these tactics.Every one living west of the Mississippi river would be speaking Japanese,and every one east of the river would be speaking German.
I am 76 years old and you young people do not understand real war.Young to me is under sixty.
Yes I did fight in Korea.
>Hoo Rah!
>The morals and ethics of Soldiers I've known shouldn't require clearance. Especially from a Washington politician.
>God bless every one of you Marines, and there aren't enough words to express my thanks for your service and sacrifice on my behalf.
Continue kicking ass, and don't worry about taking any names. We can't pronounce them anyway.
10 minutes to get a clearance to fire is total BS. If the bleeding heart politicians don't trust your judgement as Marines, then they shouldn't place you in harm's way.
>ROE are a real mess. If the civilians aren't helping us–then they are with the enemy. In a war innocents get killed. Look at V-1s and V-2s raining down on England at random. Massive bomb attacks over Germany and Japan. Ten minutes can be an eternity if someone is blasting away at you.
>First, kudos and thanks to all of our military personnel. As a veteran, I know that field commanders and civilian leadership often make poor, even foolish decisions. However, I am thankful and proud that my country cares about the possibility of injuring or killing innocent people.
>Thanks very much for this excellent echo of an excellent report.
God Bless Our Troops!
>Keep the media and politians out of the war and we would not have had any since the late 60's. We have the weapons, now we have to ask permiision before we pull the trigger? Thank God our State Police don't have to do that yet. Good job troops. Harry Tionesta, Pa
>Let's allow the troops make the decisions when facing the insurgents. Why sould they have to get approval. mabe upper level justification. Good ob troops. News media has no place on the battlefield….
>Rules of engagement are necessary I guess, to help protect the civilians. I was a Marine Helo Gunner in vietnam, and many times, we'd receive fire, but couldn't return fire until cleared to engage. Sometimes we didn't have the fuel to remain in the area until permission to fire was given. Very irritating to get shot at and not be able to engage. Good work guys.
>Thank you for all you do, we the people are forever indebted to you all. God Bless!
>When the civilian leadership is ignorant of military affairs but shares equally in the command of the armies, the soldiers hesitate. Once armies are confused and hesitant, trouble comes from competitors. This is called taking away victory by deranging the military. – Master Sun
Current rules of engagement prevent the military from fully executing their duties and putting personnel in the face of undue harm.
>The word Sympathizer is the key; I didn't see anyone skipping alongside all those WITH weapons in the dark so your comment is moot in my book. Flew AC-119Ks in SEA. Wish we had had the IR they have now, what a picture! By the way, the controls then were not much less than they are currently
Keep up the good work, all ranks in all services, Thank YOU for the Service you do so carefully.
>Damn I'm proud to be an American and even more proud of our Military. Kick ass boys!
>Great job by our troops, but it does anger me that our "representatives" in D.C. come up with ridiculous restrictions.
Semper Fi!
>Heroes on the battlefield; idiots in Washington… it makes it tough on the heroes!!!
>Our arsenal is best kept secret. The press (public opinion) shouldn't talk tactics.
For Safety Sake…
Mine is only a Puerto Rico Police Firearm's Instructor's Opinion.
>"Go ahead, make my day!" Nothing like firepower!
>Thank you to all you who have done this for us. Semper Fi.
>Wow! high five and fist bumps all around. Nice work guys
>YAHOO! My only question is, since our guys aren't fighting an Army, but religious zealots, who are the civilians? And how many of those civilians killed were actually Taliban fighters or sympathizers? And I’m not too impressed with having to wait 10 min.