During the USMC Vietnam Helicopter Association’s event at “The Wall South” in Pensacola (1998), we had several flyovers by helicopters. I was in the H-34 as it flew over (2:04 into the video, piloted by Larry Turner and Ben Cascio) and it sure got a warm reception from the crowd, most of who hadn’t seen an H-34 since Vietnam.
It was an honor to part of this memorial service especially since my good friend Gordon “Bos” Boswell, 1st Force Recon, Vietnam, was riding in the H-34 with me. Bos was medevac’d on several occasions during his tours in-country; the helicopters and those who flew and crewed them hold a special place in his heart. My good friend Jim Hatch sang “Touch a Name on the Wall”, it’s a great tribute to those who never made it home.
Author’s note: 25 years later (2023): I can’t begin to count the number of times I’ve watched this low-grade video. It was one of the best days of my life for many reasons. It’s hard to fathom just how much those flyovers meant to the POPASMOKE Marines below. Such Good Men! It really was an honor to be a part of it. The ’98 Reunion in Pensacola was my first reunion with these vets. I remained the webmaster for 25 years and turned over the job to someone else in 2023. Jim Hatch sings the hell out of this song. So damn good.
Semper Fi!
Cpl. Beddoe USMC 1981-1985
I’m a proud 34 gunner.
Never Forget
Semper Fidelis
thanks Wally